Limited time Launch offer: Book a session and save $22.22



Bookings & Payments

Here are some tips:
1. Be on time for your appointment. Being late will reduce the time needed to do a full healing session.
2. Come with an open mind and be open to receive the healing. When you are open to receive and not attached to specific outcomes, you allow great new energy to create healing shifts in wonderful ways you never thought possible. 
3. Know that every person’s experience will be different. Your healing is subjective and what you experience, may not be something other people experience.
4. Wear comfortable clothes. This will help you to relax. 
5. Don't consume alcohol or drugs for at least 24h before your session and not for a couple of days after the session.
6. Stay hydrated, eat light food and make sure you sleep enough before the session.
7. Be consistent with booking follow up sessions with Cheyanne when they are recommended because more than one session is often needed to create long lasting healing results. 

Appointments can be rescheduled 24 hours before the planned session without any extra fees. To do so, please contact me here or at ! For more information about my policies, please click here.

If you need help and are unsure about this whole new process, feel free to contact for support!

Reiki Healing

Reiki is a Japanese technique for stress reduction and relaxation that also promotes healing. It is administered by "laying on hands" and is based on the idea that an "life force energy" flows through us. If one's "life force energy" is low, then we are more likely to get sick or feel stress, and if it is high, we are more capable of being happy and healthy.

Distant reiki works just like in-person sessions since all energy in the universe is connected. Cheyanne will work from her sacred space while you choose where you stay comfortably at home or any space of your choosing. You will get contacted through email before the session for a pre-discussion and preparation, and one more time after the session is finished to discuss the results. That way, there's no need for you to waste time traveling to a physical destination and everything is Covid-safe.

Usually, you will feel relaxed and positive after a Reiki session. Nonetheless, it can happen that some people experience a so-called 'healing crisis'. This happens when your vibration goes up because toxins that have been stored in your body will be released into the blood stream to be filtered by the liver and kidneys and removed from the system. Thus, you can get a headache or stomach ache. If this happens, please drink more water, eat lighter and healthier meals and take a nap.

Since Reiki consists of universal power and higher vibrations, the Reiki energy is 100% safe for any conditions and adjusts itself to the person's needs. Reiki can only do good. Reiki is safe for pregnant women, babies and even animals.

A single session can already bring noticeable improvement!

Reiki is cumulative so it can be beneficial to receive a series of sessions to help get more lasting results. Typically clients come weekly for one month and then begin to space out sessions to bi-weekly and then monthly.

Cheyanne will discuss everything with you and if you want, personalize a treatment plan after your first session.

Never! Reiki works in conjunction with regular medical or psychological treatment. If you have a medical or psychological condition, it is recommended that you see a licensed health care professional in addition to receiving Reiki treatments and that you inform Cheyanne about any issues during your consultation or before your booked session. Reiki energy works in harmony with all other forms of healing and will improve the results.

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